Prague To Warsaw Train

  • $​70
    Lowest Cost
  • 740 km
  • 8h 08min
    Fastest Travel Time



Prague Main Station



Warszawa Centralna Train Station

About Train from Prague to Warsaw

Imagine your perfect morning: a cup of fragrant coffee in an authentic coffee shop, views of the historical part of the city, a measured way of life, and unhurried residents - all this is about Prague. The aesthetically incomparable capital of the Czech Republic, which has inspired thousands of European artists to create their best canvases, will also conquer your heart. ​Warsaw will be an excellent match for Prague - an exciting metropolis full of fairs,​ museums, and cafes, where you will find many exciting things on every corner. Traveling from Prague to Warsaw by train is an excellent choice for exploring European culture. Moreover, on the way from Prague to Warsaw, you will discover picturesque views of nature and small villages with tiled roofs.​ ​See what makes Europe special on a railway journey with your own eyes.

Soft and cozy seats, modern amenities, and professional staff will create all the conditions for your ideal trip. Trains from Prague to Warsaw are represented by the best railway operators, which guarantees your trip's high quality and safety. Also, traveling from Prague to Warsaw by train saves the environment: the train emits 96% less carbon into the atmosphere than an airplane. A train is not just a high-speed transport. It combines an elusive romantic mood, classic travel style, and tranquility. A responsible attitude to passenger safety and ecology brings train travel to the top of travel vehicles. Discover Europe today by booking tickets from Prague to Warsaw. The best in the Czech Republic and Poland is waiting for you: craft beer, national pies, royal food, and art performances!
  • Tip
    When traveling on Prague to Warsaw train, add the top must-seen places and must-experience activities to your travel list just in several steps here! Choose from the best in one place for your stunning vacation!

Poland Trains Amenities

Wi-Fi and electric power
Safe transportation of pets
Shopping malls near railway station
Friendly staff

FAQ: Train From Prague To Warsaw

Highlights of Prague & Warsaw

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